Sunday, November 4, 2012

Eventyr Gaming: Online Gaming

So I'm thinking about starting a sister campaign for our weekly God of Heroes 4e game online. Need at least four people, but I think I like the group dynamics of a party of six. Still technically learning 4e as in our first campaign we're only just at level 3.
I have some ideas but they're still a little weak yet to go into details.
I'm also working on possibly a WoD game and some other stuff. I have so much I want to run and I just don't have the time.
Obviously Tour of Darkness is something I really want to get back to as well. Probably one of my favorite Savage World settings I've read into. And I need to do that XCom conversion. Seriously, I need to play Payday less and plan more. But planning doesn't help when I have no game to play. Maybe I need to run an XCom game online. Maybe multiple XCom games online and have everyone effect the alien menace and the first team to [redacted] wins. That would actually be pretty awesome. XCom officially gets it's own notebook now.


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Guest Blogger : Early Childhood Education at Home

Assalamualaikum and hi dearie mommies!

Alhamdullillah..I?m so happy to be Fabulous Motherhood special invited blogger and be able to share my passion with other mommies out there?especially through this awesome FM blog!

For those who already know about my blog, *and from FM previous entry*...they will surely can guess what I'm going to talk in this special entry..Yap..Early Childhood Education?at Home. Oh I just love talking about it?this is my passion! Let's me make it simple. Early when you giving them education before the actual school age?so..sending your kids to kiddie is also consider as early education?but the one that I love to focus is..Early Education at home done by Parent!. As we all know?and should take it into a count is that, parent is always a best teacher. Because of our connection with our kids, we always want the best for them, so we tend to do the best, finding the best ways and resource and as we love our child so much. We want to make them happy. This is what I?m being doing..Learning with fun and exciting methods and they actually learn and bloom! Learning is fun? and exciting! Why Early Education at home is so important? Well mommies,? let me put it this way..

We have 2 maggo with TLC (firtalizer, water, good sun and soil) and one just to grow with out TLC (on the side of the road)..which do you think will produce better , bigger? and juicier fruit??Same goes to kids brain?from 0 to 6 is the critical time for the brain development and we actually can shape the kids Brain to the full potential!..and not to forget, that our child have their own ability, strong points that can only be detected by parent that actually spend times with their kids.

It?s priceless to see your child blooms! Now we know roughly what is early what?s next? When I ?m being ask about how I actually come to know and really put myself in early education for my kiddos. I will them them that I have my AIMS! We can shape them as what we want! Mommie, we all should have AIMS?for our kids future?"I want my kids be a strong, confident kids" or "I want my child to be creative and happy". Aims are important to make us see the next step, see the big picture of what we should do and aims give us the ?MUST? in doing something and one of the thing is to early educate our kids. Istiqomah, consistent in doing things?I know it?s sound easy but a bit difficult to do, I myself find it difficult, but after 1 months, just 1 months, you will find it effortless!. For working moms, your job and less time with the kids is not a limitation for you.? I?ve actually got friends who works as doctors with oncalls and busy stressfull work life but still manage to educate theirs baby and todds.? Here are some tips and activities that you can try at home with your kids. Limit your time?watching?TV. This is very important, try to take the usual watching time especially at night to read books or do some simple drawing with the kids. Attention given by us to our kid while reading or? looking at what our kid doing things is so precious and this will built better connections between parents and kids. This means, they will want to give attention to you and will listen to you more! Baking is one of the best activity that kids can participate. Let your kids to participate in house work when you come back from work. Simple activity like sorting out the cloths, while doing that you can teach them colour, counting? and even size.? I know you will find that its making thing slow, be patient moms,? it will be slow at start, but when their master the helping skills, they will surely make it easy on me?it work for me! Now,? my kids do most of the simple thing them self from dirty cloths to sweeping and tiding out the house and they actually learning a lot of things from time management to motor development. It?s amazing! ?This video of Aisyah reading at age of 3 years old and she is using sight reading method. Choose your teaching methods that suit you. I found out that teaching how to read using sight reading methods works well with working moms! You can refer to my early education blog to know more about sight reading and you can email me personally if you do need help in term of tools and tips! You can make simple craft with things from the park! Make a full use of your weekends! Kids does not need extravagance plans or holiday to be happy and learn something, visit to the park or? pet shop will stimulate their curiosity and creativity.? It would be helpful if you have a special beg with plain paper and colour?pencil?in it. Drawing is one of the best thing to do when you are out and about with the kids! You can make simple math by using the leave or stones. You don?t have to tell them?? we are doing math?? just do the activity, don?t limit your child thinking with orders, instead you say?? wah, I?ve got 2 leave, how many do you have/ you can find?? ?? lets give it to daddy, how many leave will daddy have?? ?See, maths is fun, and the kids is learning without them noticing it!

Rewards your child effort with something nice and special.

Rewards! Please stock up some stickers and rewards your child with one when they make you happy..and please don?t give the whole thing to them, if not the stickers end up to be on your walls and its not going to be special anymore! There are tons of activity that we moms can do with the kids. All you need is some effort, ideas, material and time. Remember, my dearie mommies, you are the best partner and teacher for your kids and to see them bloom is priceless. All kids are born geniuses! Happy Early Educating moms!!


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Saturday, November 3, 2012

This Sea-Worthy Robot Sailor Surfed Straight Through Sandy By Eric Limer Hurricane Sandy caused a...

This Sea-Worthy Robot Sailor Surfed Straight Through Sandy

By Eric Limer

Hurricane Sandy caused a lot of damage, and it’s going to take a long time to get everything fixed back up. Not everything succumbed to Sandy’s destructive force, however. This little surfing robot, for example, survived on the high seas despite the storm, never failing to do its duty all the while.

Annual Walk For Lung Cancer Awareness is Saturday Morning in ...

(Registration for Heather's Walk 2011.  File photo provided)

(Registration for Heather?s Walk 2011. File photo provided)

By Mike DeNardo

PENNSAUKEN, N.J. (CBS) ? Hundreds are gathering along the Cooper River on Saturday morning to walk in memory of a Mt. Laurel woman who raised awareness about lung cancer.

Heather Saler never smoked, but she was diagnosed with lung cancer.? And she wanted to let others diagnosed with lung cancer know that they were not alone.

In 2004 she founded ?Heather?s Walk? along the Cooper River, to raise money to battle the disease that four years later would claim her life at the age of 37.

Her husband, Brad Saler, says eight previous walks have raised $600,000 for lung cancer research.

?Heather would be proud.? Her vision was to one day have a walk during Lung Cancer Awareness Month, which is November, where everyone can get together and support each other,? he said today.

Registration is at 9am.? The walk starts at 10am, at Jack Curtis Stadium in Pennsauken.


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Why Friday's jobs report should be taken with a grain of salt

Friday's jobs report is likely to sway some voters ? and therefore have an impact on this tight race. But Reich says it shouldn?t.

By Robert Reich,?Guest blogger / November 1, 2012

Patricia Mazza, left, meets job seekers during a National Career Fairs' job fair, in New York Wednesday. A small shift one way or the other from September?s jobs report has no statistical significance, Reich writes, and therefore should have no political significance.

Bebeto Matthews/AP


Three times today I?ve been asked on media outlets about the likely effect on the presidential election of Friday?s jobs report, depending on what the Bureau of Labor Statistics announces.

Skip to next paragraph Robert Reich

Robert is chancellor?s professor of public policy at the University of California at Berkeley. He has served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Clinton. Time Magazine?named him one of the 10 most effective cabinet secretaries of the last century. He has written 13 books, including ?The Work of Nations,? his latest best-seller ?Aftershock: The Next Economy and America?s Future," and a new?e-book, ?Beyond Outrage.??He is also a founding editor of the American Prospect magazine and chairman of Common Cause.

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Unfortunately, the BLS report is likely to sway some voters ? and therefore have an impact on this tight race. But it shouldn?t.

The report surely will be used by one of the candidates to make a sweeping case for himself and against his opponent. An unemployment rate above last month?s 7.8 percent, or a number of new jobs below September?s 114,000, will be wielded by Mitt Romney as evidence the economy is slowing ? while a rate below last month?s, and a number above it, will be used by Team Obama as evidence the economy is moving in the right direction.?

Obama's closing case to voters recalls the past

President Barack Obama greets supporters at a campaign event at Cheyenne Sports Complex in Las Vegas, Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Barack Obama greets supporters at a campaign event at Cheyenne Sports Complex in Las Vegas, Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

A woman, right, is overcome with emotion after being greeted by President Barack Obama, left, at a campaign event at Cheyenne Sports Complex in Las Vegas, Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Barack Obama speaks during a campaign event, Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012, at the Cheyenne Sports Complex in Las Vegas, before heading to Denver for more campaigning. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

(AP) ? President Barack Obama has spent months urging Americans to move forward. Now he's asking them to look back.

Back to the last Democratic president, who presided over a booming economy. Back to his Republican predecessor, whose policies he says GOP rival Mitt Romney would repeat. And back to 2008, when Obama ran as a champion of change who was willing to work across the political aisle.

That's how the president wants a divided, economically anxious nation to see him again now, as he makes his closing argument in the final days of his final political campaign.

"I know what real change looks like, because I fought for it," Obama told voters in Nevada on Thursday. "I've got the scars to prove it. You have, too. And after all that we've been through together, Nevada, we sure as heck can't give up now."

Of course, change is a harder sell after four years of economic woes and partisan gridlock in Washington. And polls show Obama locked in a tight contest with Romney as the presidential race nears the finale.

Obama spent blitzed Thursday from Wisconsin to Nevada to Colorado, where he wrapped up his day with a 10,000-person rally in Boulder.

The president acknowledged that many Americans may be "frustrated" that change hasn't come fast enough. To them, Obama offered a new definition of change that included passing the health care overhaul, bailing out the auto industry, ending the Iraq war and putting the U.S. military on a path to leave Afghanistan.

And he appealed for more time to overcome the "protectors of the status quo" that have stood in his way.

"Every time we've tried to make change, they've fought back with everything they've got," he told voters in Wisconsin. "Their strategy from the start was to engineer pure gridlock in Congress."

Obama returned to the campaign trail after a three-day hiatus to manage the federal response to Superstorm Sandy. He largely avoided overt politics during that stretch as he sought to project presidential leadership.

But Obama criticized Romney anew Thursday as he launched his closing appeal to voters.

The president cast the wealthy Romney as a protector of the rich. And he sought to discredit the Republican's attempts to claim the change mantle, saying the former businessman was simply rehashing policies that dragged the economy down during George W. Bush's tenure in office.

"Gov. Romney has been using all his talents as a salesman to dress up these very same policies," said Obama, decked out in his leather Air Force One flight jacket at a chilly outdoor rally in Green Bay.

"He is offering them up as change," he continued. "We know what change looks like. And what the governor is offering sure ain't change."

But the president sought to link his own policies to the past as well.

Obama tied his calls for raising taxes on higher-income earners and spending more on science and research with similar policies implemented under President Bill Clinton. Obama's message to voters was that if the economy thrived when Clinton took those steps, it would do the same again, under him, during a second term.

"We know the ideas that worked," Obama said. "We also know the ideas that don't work. Because in the eight years after Bill Clinton left office, his policies were reversed."

Obama's campaign has been crafting the president's closing argument for weeks. Aides had hoped to roll it out earlier this week, but were forced to push it back after the storm interrupted the president's travel plans.

Even though Obama drew contrasts with Romney throughout his remarks, his closing argument included less direct criticism of his GOP rival than his earlier campaign speeches. Gone was one of the president's most biting criticisms of Romney: his sarcastic diagnosis of "Romnesia," a term Obama coined to mean forgetting previously held positions.

The president opened his remarks Thursday by asking Americans to remember those affected by the flooding, snow and fires that have devastated some communities. In doing so, he harkened back to the past once again, echoing his call for national unity from the 2004 Democratic convention speech that made him a political star.

"There are no Democrats or Republicans during a storm," Obama said. "There are just fellow Americans."


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Associated Press


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