Thursday, February 28, 2013

How Adulthood Is Like High School All Over Again - Christianity Today

If you've ever struggled to navigate office politics, faced a catty clique at church, or felt left out of a social circle and thought, "This feels like high school," you are not alone.

Since we develop our identities during those formative teenage years, there's a part of us that stays there. A recent New York Magazine piece explained "Why You Never Truly Leave High School." According to the article, even when high school long behind us, it remains at the front of our minds:

The adolescent years occupy a privileged place in our memories, which to some degree is even quantifiable: Give a grown adult a series of random prompts and cues, and odds are he or she will recall a disproportionate number of memories from adolescence. This phenomenon even has a name?the "reminiscence bump"?and it's been found over and over in large population samples, with most studies suggesting that memories from the ages of 15 to 25 are most vividly retained.

Vivid might be an understatement. I remember standing with my back to the biting February wind, smoking behind the school with the rest of the misfit kids because the social taxonomy of my high school had me slotted into the genus "freak." The smoking area was the place where the freaks lit up between classes. Jocks and cheerleaders ruled the football field. The library was the home of the brainy kids. Thespians owned the warren of rooms surrounding the school's theater space.

I home-schooled my three children through high school hoping the experience would provide a more inclusive, less socially segregated frame of reference. Even within the more individualistic home school community, fairly typical cliques and alliances formed among many of the teens, even though there was no physical football field, library, or smoking area to mark each group's turf.

Take away the school, the cliques are still there. Turns out, you can even add a few decades, and the cliques still remain. Any time adults are herded into "giant boxes of strangers," the same kind of tribalizing behavior we first experience during our teens usually follows, according to U.C. Davis researcher Robert Faris, cited in the New York Magazine article. We will be dealing with high school dynamics until we draw our final breath.

High-school-for-life includes our experiences in the church. Is there anyone out there who hasn't experienced a case of benign exclusion (or worse, a Mean Girl-style campaign) by an "in-group" at church at one time or another? We Christians don't always do a good job of acknowledging that our lifelong growing pains and insecurities shape our identity. If our adolescent search for self forms the filter through which we interpret social reactions for the rest of our lives, then I suspect there's an important "both/and" tucked inside the "either/or" way in which we usually talk about our "in the world, but not of the world" identity as followers of Christ.


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DGA Awards date set for 2014

LOS ANGELES ( - Clamoring for more awards-show news after the Oscars? Yeah, us neither, but here's some anyway: The 66th Annual DGA Awards will take place January 25, 2014, the Directors Guild of America, which holds the ceremony, said Wednesday.

The ceremony will again take place at the Ray Dolby Ballroom at the Hollywood & Highland complex in Los Angeles.

The most recent ceremony, which was hosted by "Boss" star Kelsey Grammer, took place on February 2. A host for next year's ceremony was not named in Wednesday's announcement, but maybe Seth MacFarlane will be available to class things up a little.


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hagel takes helm at Pentagon after bitter fight

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Chuck Hagel was sworn in Wednesday as defense secretary ? President Barack Obama's third in just over four years ? and said that one of his highest priorities will be ensuring fair treatment of troops, veterans and their families.

He called the automatic budget cuts due to take effect on Friday ? to include $46 billion in Pentagon reductions ? "a reality" that "we need to deal with."

In 15 minutes of remarks to Pentagon employees shortly after becoming the nation's 24th secretary of defense, Hagel struck a tone of humility and cast himself as prepared to take on the full range of national security challenges.

A veteran of combat in Vietnam, Hagel said he would strive to be "the kind of leader that you expect and you deserve ? also the kind of leader the country expects and deserves."

Hagel, 66, a former two-term Republican Nebraska senator, was introduced to his Pentagon audience by a fellow Nebraskan ? Army Sgt. 1st Class John Wirth, of Gordon, Neb., a veteran of the Iraq and Afghan wars.

Hagel succeeds Leon Panetta, who became Pentagon chief in July 2011, replacing Obama's first defense secretary, former CIA chief Robert Gates.

Hagel said that after taking the oath of office he spent a few minutes walking through an outdoor memorial to victims of those killed at the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, recalling that he was on Capitol Hill at the moment a hijacked American Airlines jet slammed into the Pentagon.

He said he "reflected a bit on what happened that day," when nearly 3,000 people were killed in New York City, Washington and in rural Pennsylvania. Quoting what he called the words of Winston Churchill, Hagel said, "that was a jarring gong," that set in motion dynamics "that we are living with today."

Hagel took the helm after a bruising Senate confirmation process. He was spending the rest of his first day in the Pentagon meeting with his staff and senior defense leaders.

The Senate voted Tuesday to confirm him. The vote was 58-41, with four Republicans joining the Democrats in backing the contentious choice.

Hagel's only GOP support came from former colleagues Thad Cochran of Mississippi, Dick Shelby of Alabama and Mike Johanns of Nebraska ? all three had announced their support earlier ? and Rand Paul of Kentucky.

The vote came just hours after Republicans dropped their unprecedented delay of a Pentagon choice and allowed the nomination to move forward on a 71-27 vote.

Republicans had opposed their onetime colleague, casting him as unqualified for the job, hostile toward Israel and soft on Iran. The objections remained strong well after the vote.

"I continue to have serious questions about whether Chuck Hagel is up to the job of being our secretary of defense," Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said in a statement. "I hope, for the sake of our own national security, he exceeds expectations."

Hagel joins Obama's retooled second-term, national security team of Secretary of State John Kerry and CIA Director-designate John Brennan at a time of uncertainty for a military emerging from two wars and fighting worldwide terrorism with smaller, deficit-driven budgets.


Associated Press writers Donna Cassata and Lolita C. Baldor contributed to this report.


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Horse a hidden ingredient in many European foods

DUBLIN (AP) ? So hungry you could eat a horse? Chances are, if you've regularly consumed processed-meat products in Europe, you already have.

Since Ireland published surprise DNA results on Jan. 15 showing that a third of frozen "beef" burgers in Ireland contained at least a trace of horse, food scientists in more than a dozen countries have found the animal trotting into products where it was never meant to roam.

Daily revelations from an ever-increasing menu of supermarket, catering and restaurant goods have taught the world one lesson: When minced up with other meat or slathered with spices, consumers cannot tell equine from bovine in the food chain. European horse has yet to be detected in any American-sold products.


In fairness, IKEA never did call them beef balls. The Swedish furniture giant has discovered that its signature cafeteria dish ? spiced meatballs of mixed beef and pork ? also might contain horse.

Ikea said Monday it was withdrawing stocks of frozen "Kottbullar" meatballs from stores in 24 nations, including Thailand and Hong Kong in Asia and the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean. European countries affected were Austria, Belgium, Britain, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden. Somehow, the Swiss were spared.

IKEA was keen to stress that its U.S.-based meatballs were all-American and not subject to recall.


This is the product that started the January stampede to Europe's DNA labs. Irish authorities doing a random quality check were shocked to find horse meat in frozen burgers produced for five Irish and British supermarkets, and eventually traced the source to Poland. The Irish producers' top two customers ? Burger King's British, Irish and Danish restaurants and the British supermarket chain Tesco ? quickly took their business elsewhere.


There's something rotten in Denmark, but it's not the meat itself. The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration says a product enigmatically described as "pizza meat" and sold by the Harby Slagtehus meat wholesaler contains cow, pig and horse. The company insists its customers in pizzerias across Denmark knew the topping contained horse, even if that little fact was nowhere on the ingredients list. Government vets don't believe a word of that.


Better make that "bolo-neighs." Many of Europe's leading makers of microwaveable frozen foods ? including Birds Eye of Britain, Nestle of Switzerland, and Findus of France ? found that some suppliers had mixed horse into the ground beef used for Europe's most ubiquitous pasta sauce.


Not to beat a dead horse, but Europe's food-testing labs are indicating that any factory-made pasta product containing "beef" sauce or filling might be horse in drag. Among those caught at the DNA finish line are the frozen "beef" lasagnas of Birds Eye; Nestle's Buitoni brand of ravioli in Italy and fusilli in Spain; and Combino-branded tortelloni and penne in Austria. France's Comigel blamed the discovery of up to 100 percent horse in its "beef" lasagnas ? sold under other brand names, including Findus and Tesco ? on a complex supply chain stretching from its Luxembourg factory back via Dutch and Cypriot middlemen to Romania horse butchers.


Thank goodness there's no such thing (yet) as a beef doughnut. In Spain, Nestle's recall of products includes meat-filled, semicircular pastries called empanadas.


You might be surprised to find horse meat hiding under a frilly layer of potato. British-style cottage pies, with gravy, beef and carrots under the smashed spuds, have been withdrawn from scores of school cafeterias in England, Wales and Scotland after DNA tests found horse meat inside. France made similar discoveries in its potato-topped pie called hachis Parmentier.


Mom might tell you to eat your vegetables, but the Nestle product recall in Spain included meat-stuffed peppers.


Once you've blended a handful of meats, does one more really matter? The Austrians found horse in kebab meat produced by a Vienna firm, Lilla Gastronomie, that was supposed to contain a blend of only beef, pork and turkey.


Fry 'er up: Despite sausages' worldwide reputation as a favored destination for mystery meat, only Austria has found equine DNA hiding in sausages, in two brands made by Josef Freitag, aka "Joe Friday."


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Risk Management Model for Project Execution : Accelerating IT ...

Risk Management

The road to IT project success is rife with potholes, road blocks, and the occasional run-in with an angry pack of wolves. Navigating the holes and sidestepping the snapping maws requires a good risk management model. In a PDF provided by Lawrence Technological University, Samer AlHawari, Fadi Thabtah, Louay Karadsheh, and Wa?el Musa Hadi piece together a framework that they believe will help to minimize and mitigate risk on that winding road.

Their model is careful to define basic terms in the introduction so as to get everyone on the same page as to what is being discussed. It then proceeds into an overview of the myriad literature written on the subject of risk management over time, so as to show that the model being used here is the clear and direct result of good ideas produced in the past.

The key elements of the risk management framework itself are the need for risk management, goal definition review, identity risk, risk scrutiny, risk analysis, risk verification, planning for risk, planning experiment, risk implementation, risk control, risk monitoring, and risk education. The various ways these elements connect are helpfully represented in an included flow chart so as not to leave the reader adrift in a sea of similar-sounding concepts, but in a nutshell, it all begins with the pressing need for risk management:

The organization must explicitly define the importance of risk management to their stakeholders to contribute in identifying all risks associated with business objectives. Identifying all relevant stakeholders is essential for the success of the risk mitigation process. These risks may be obstacles for the organization in achieving the stated business objectives. When an organization plans a new business strategy, it must identify all risks associated with it in order to mitigate the obstacles and to facilitate the implementation of the new strategy in terms of the goals. Risk management is needed in day-to-day business operations and project management implementation. Understanding the need of the risk management is vital for success of organization existence in dynamic world.

Likewise, all data collected from the end of one cycle of the risk management model then becomes part of the available knowledge in educating the next cycle of the model. The framework begins and ends with risk education, always improving, always adapting. Those looking for a comprehensive and thorough model by which to handle their IT risk management would do well to study the model provided here. You will inevitably still trip over a pebble in the road now and then, but you can rest easy knowing that the wolves will never catch your scent.

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Latest Georgia news, sports, business and entertainment


Truckers rail against Ga. parking ordinance

WARNER ROBINS, Ga. (AP) - Truckers nationwide have railed against a Warner Robins ordinance aimed at banning long-term parking in city lots.

Warner Robins City Council passed an ordinance Tuesday banning trucks from parking for more than two hours without permission from the owner of the lot. Truckers are federally ordered to take 10-hour rest breaks and the city is home to several large industrial companies and a military base.

Councilman Mike Brashear and other city officials told the Telegraph of Macon they've received messages from concerned truckers from across the country looking to weigh in on the ordinance.

City officials say the ordinance stemmed from concerns over prostitution and public nuisances. Business owners say that hasn't been a problem.

City officials say they will reach out to truckers at a council meeting Tuesday.


2 killed in Chatham County crash

SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) - Police in Chatham County say Interstate 516 has reopened in both directions after a deadly crash.

The highway was shut down for more than three hours after a crash that left two people dead Friday afternoon.

Police spokesman Julian Miller says a pickup truck crossed the center line and hit three vehicles - including a motorcycle.

Police say a child and two adults were hospitalized with serious injuries. Authorities have not released the names of the people who died in the crash.

The cause of the crash is unclear and the accident is under investigation.


Ga. man sentenced in Lowe's stabbing

MACON, Ga. (AP) - The Houston County District Attorney's office says a man has been sentenced to 13 years in prison for shoplifting and stabbing a Lowe's employee.

Judge George Nunn sentenced 63-year-old Robert Alvin Broady Friday on charges of aggravated assault and shoplifting.

The man is eligible for parole and is ordered to serve seven years of probation after begin released.

The Telegraph of Macon reports Broady and a co-defendant, Alfred Thomas - who was sentenced to 30 years in prison - had stolen cordless drill from the store several times before the stabbing in February of 2012.

Police have said Broady pulled a knife on an employee and stabbed him in the chest before the two fled the scene. Tips from the public led to their arrest.


Ga. officials rule arson in Folkston motel blaze

FOLKSTON, Ga. (AP) - The state Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner has ruled that an arsonist destroyed a motel in south Georgia.

Commissioner Ralph Hudgens says the blaze at the Relax Inn in Folkston originated in an empty storage room around 7 p.m. Thursday.

The fire gutted the building and the roof collapsed. Officials say rewards of up to $10,000 may be given for information leading to an arrest and conviction in the case.

Hudgens says first-degree arson is a felony punishable by between one and 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $50,000.

Folkston is about 45 miles northwest of Jacksonville, Fla.


Emory president's essay draws criticisms

ATLANTA (AP) - The president of Emory University is taking heat from faculty after he wrote an essay citing the three-fifths compromise on slaves as an example of finding common ground in politics.

A faculty group has voted to censure Emory President James Wagner and students are planning a protest next week. Wagner was writing about the value of finding common ground when he mentioned the compromise of 1787. The compromise allowed states to count three-fifths of the slave population toward representation in Congress, giving southern states more power.

Wagner later wrote an apology, saying he was sorry for the hurt caused by not communicating his beliefs more clearly. In the apology, he said he considers slavery to be heinous and inhuman.


Gov. Deal to decide fate of school board members

ATLANTA (AP) - Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal is set to announce whether he'll suspend members of the DeKalb County School Board.

Deal is set to make a decision Monday. During a roughly 14-hour hearing Thursday, the Georgia Board of Education voted to suspend 6 of 9 school board members. Suspensions were not recommended for the board's three newest members, who were hired after problems within the district began surfacing.

An audit of the school system found evidence of fiscal mismanagement and unethical practices. In a report, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools officials said despite attempts, costs and resources used to change the board's culture, the effort appears to have been a waste.

The school system was put on probation through the end of 2013 and risks losing accreditation.

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Benchmarking The Google Nexus With Ubuntu

Tests are running full-speed this weekend on benchmarking the performance of the brand new Ubuntu Touch/Tablet Developer Preview with the Google Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 devices. Here's a preview with some initial findings from performance testing these mobile ARM devices using Ubuntu Linux.

Within Ubuntu Touch/Tablet Is Using SurfaceFlinger on launch-day I already shared some initial facts about this mobile Ubuntu platform that's actually powered by Google's Android / CyanogenMod. I also shared My Favorite Command For Ubuntu Touch/Tablet. This mobile Ubuntu flavor basically has the Ubuntu user-land running within a chroot, so the command is basically entering this Ubuntu environment outside of Android and then being in a conventional Ubuntu environment. From this area is where the tests are being done.

A variety of computational benchmarks are being done from a Google Nexus 7 (NVIDIA Tegra 3 Quad-Core Cortex-A9) and Google Nexus 10 (Samsung Exynos 5 Dual Dual-Core Cortex-A15). With Ubuntu Touch using Google's SurfaceFlinger and not using an X11/X.Org Server (or Wayland), the usual Ubuntu graphics benchmarks won't work. Plus the hardware/drivers are limited to OpenGL ES 2.0 anyways and there's not too many incredibly interesting OpenGL ES performance benchmarks at this time.

A few disk benchmarks are being tried on these ARM tablets but that's not too interesting either with limited flash storage capacities and not the ideal use-case for a tablet. Most of the Linux computational benchmarks being done are looking at audio/video encoding, compilation, and a variety of other workloads. ARM SoCs have proved interesting for building super-computers due to their low power budgets, cost effectiveness, and the performance becoming more competitive to x86 hardware.

With the Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 tablets I purchased this week for the Ubuntu testing, at the moment the hardware being benchmarked against it for comparison include the very common PandaBoard ES featuring a Texas Instruments OMAP4460 dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 SoC, a Trim-Slice NVIDIA Tegra 2 dual-core Cortex-A9 "nettop", the NVIDIA Tegra 3 Cardhu tablet (quad-core Cortex-A9; effectively the same as the Nexus 7), and the Samsung Series 5 Chromebook (Exynos 5 Dual Cortex-A15; effectively the same as the Nexus 10). These other ARM comparison platforms are being loaded up with Ubuntu 13.04 snapshots too, so the packages are close but obvious kernel differences due to the fragmented ARM Linux world.

I'll also likely benchmark some different Intel/AMD x86 systems too for some additional data points showing how well these Ubuntu ARM systems are performing on a modern Linux stack. There have also been requests for benchmarks of the Google Nexus 4 by many Phoronix readers via Twitter, e-mail, and the forums. If you are interested in seeing Nexus 4 benchmarks too or other ARM hardware thrown into the mix, please consider subscribing to Phoronix Premium or making a PayPal tip. This current benchmarking has already been going on since the Thursday release of Ubuntu Touch and will still be happening for several days. I already purchased the Nexus 7 and Nexus 10, so benchmarks of the Nexus 4 will depend upon interest level and (ad-enabled) views of these benchmarks to be able to justify additionally buying a Google Nexus 4 ($300+ USD) and the time to spend several more days coming up with these benchmarks. I do agree though, benchmarks of the Nexus 4 with the usual horde of Linux benchmarks from the Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro APQ8064 would be very interesting! The S4 Pro is a Quad-Core Qualcomm Krait and would be very interesting to see how this SoC compares to the other ARM/x86 competitors.

One of the interesting traits to also look at whenever running our compute-intensive benchmarks on the ARM hardware in a consumer package is the thermal performance. I've killed ARM-based NAS (Network Attached Storage) devices and killed smart-phones due to overheating by pegging the SoC too much with heavy workloads. The Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 device testing has gone alright in conjunction with my vigorous Linux benchmarking powered by the Phoronix Test Suite. Both tablets have become rather hot when running some of the more demanding multi-threaded Linux benchmarks. However, I have yet to experience any serious problems as a result. The temperature was a bit uncomfortable to the point of moving the Nexus devices nearby a drafty window in the cold Chicago winter as a precaution. (Fortunately, with the Ubuntu chroot it's easy to install the OpenSSH server and be remoting into these devices from elsewhere.)

With both the Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 I have also encountered the WiFi adapters no longer communicating with the network after hours of strenuous tests. However, I have yet to determine the cause of these network problems if it's thermal related, a software bug after Ubuntu Touch is used extensively, or some other issue coming to play. After rebooting the devices, the wireless support came back up on both devices.

Another issue I have encountered is with the battery / power source on the Nexus 10. During this testing, both Google tablets are using the respective USB-based power adapters included with the tablets and they are connected to an AC power source (not leaching off any system's USB). With the Nexus 7 everything is running smoothly, but with the Nexus 10 being fully-charged and running off its AC power adapter, eventually the battery will be depleted even when connected to its power source the entire time. Some of these open-source benchmarks end up pushing the hardware over its power capacity for the charger. At least turning off the tablet's display during benchmarking does help from completely draining the battery during the many hours of continuous testing.

For those wanting the benchmark results, stay tuned for multi-page articles (unless of course, you're subscribing to Phoronix Premium for single-page ad-free viewing) next week with all of the data. For those wanting some early metrics, on is early results for the Nexus 10 (Samsung Exynos 5) within the 1302235-FO-EXYNOS5DU96 result file. You can compare directly these Ubuntu Nexus figures to your own Linux x86/ARM/SPARC/MIPS system by having the Phoronix Test Suite installed and simply execute phoronix-test-suite benchmark 1302235-FO-EXYNOS5DU96. Within 1302232-FO-GOOGLENEX51 are more test results, but in this round some of the most demanding scientific benchmarks that are publicly available for this hardware.

Stay tuned for more information next week. Random updates on this Ubuntu ARM performance testing expedition are also shared via @MichaelLarabel on Twitter. Any additional test requests or suggestions can be sent to Twitter, email me, or the forums.


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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pope's Twitter Account to Go Dark

The @Pontifex Twitter account will go dark when Pope Benedict XVI retires Feb. 28, according to Vatican Radio.

The Pope?s tweets have turned out to be quite popular since their ballyhooed beginning 2? months ago, CNN reports. More than 2 million people have registered to follow Benedict?s Twitter posts, which appear in nine different languages.

The tweets have attracted about 1.5 million followers in English, 700,000 in Spanish, and 22,500 in Latin.

"It seems unimaginable that one could continue to use a communication tool so popular and powerful during the 'sede vacante' period," Vatican Radio said. It was alluding to the period between Popes. "From choice, the Pontifex profile was not personalized, but it clearly refers to the person of the Pope."

It's not clear when the new Pope will take office and whether he will continue the papacy?s Twitter account.

Benedict has tweeted only twice since he announced his resignation Feb. 11. Both messages focused on Lent. He will likely offer his last Twitter posting Feb. 27 or Feb. 28, Vatican Radio reports.

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Displaced who stay in Syria get little aid

In this Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013 photo, Syrian refugee women, wash their laundry in front of a Turkish military base, seen in the background, at Atmeh refugee camp in the northern Syrian province of Idlib, Syria. This rebel-controlled camp only yards from the border with Turkey houses some 16,000 people displaced by the civil war. But the U.N. and other major aid agencies best equipped to handle such a large-scale relief agency cannot reach them because they are inside Syria. That leaves the job to smaller organizations who can only provide a fraction of the needs. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

In this Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013 photo, Syrian refugee women, wash their laundry in front of a Turkish military base, seen in the background, at Atmeh refugee camp in the northern Syrian province of Idlib, Syria. This rebel-controlled camp only yards from the border with Turkey houses some 16,000 people displaced by the civil war. But the U.N. and other major aid agencies best equipped to handle such a large-scale relief agency cannot reach them because they are inside Syria. That leaves the job to smaller organizations who can only provide a fraction of the needs. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

In this Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013 photo, Syrian refugee girls carry over their heads buckets of water as they walk at Atmeh refugee camp, in the northern Syrian province of Idlib, Syria. This rebel-controlled camp only yards from the border with Turkey houses some 16,000 people displaced by the civil war. But the U.N. and other major aid agencies best equipped to handle such a large-scale relief agency cannot reach them because they are inside Syria. That leaves the job to smaller organizations who can only provide a fraction of the needs. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

In this Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013 photo, a Syrian refugee rides his motorcycle with his son at Atmeh refugee camp, in the northern Syrian province of Idlib, Syria. This rebel-controlled camp only yards from the border with Turkey houses some 16,000 people displaced by the civil war. But the U.N. and other major aid agencies best equipped to handle such a large-scale relief agency cannot reach them because they are inside Syria. That leaves the job to smaller organizations who can only provide a fraction of the needs.(AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

In this Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013 photo, a Syrian refugee woman, left, pours water over her husband's head, right, who takes a shower at Atmeh refugee camp, in the northern Syrian province of Idlib, Syria. This rebel-controlled camp only yards from the border with Turkey houses some 16,000 people displaced by the civil war. But the U.N. and other major aid agencies best equipped to handle such a large-scale relief agency cannot reach them because they are inside Syria. That leaves the job to smaller organizations who can only provide a fraction of the needs.. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

In this Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013 photo, Syrian refugees carry a bucket of water as they walk at Atmeh refugee camp, in the northern Syrian province of Idlib, Syria. This rebel-controlled camp only yards from the border with Turkey houses some 16,000 people displaced by the civil war. But the U.N. and other major aid agencies best equipped to handle such a large-scale relief agency cannot reach them because they are inside Syria. That leaves the job to smaller organizations who can only provide a fraction of the needs. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

(AP) ? Turki Abdel Qadir, a burly villager from the northern countryside, fled to this muddy camp amid olive groves three months ago after his 13-year-old daughter Haifa was wounded in the civil war.

Just yards from Syria's border with Turkey, the family lives in one of the camp's typical tents. Eleven people sleep on pads on the floor, surrounding a wood-burning stove with a makeshift chimney. Other tents, no bigger than a small bedroom, hold 30.

Their diet is largely bread, supplemented by vegetables bought with the salary Abdel Qadir earns as a rebel fighter.

"It's a little bit better than death," he said of their living conditions.

The rebel-controlled Atmeh camp houses 16,000 people displaced by the civil war.

But the U.N., the organization best equipped to handle such a large-scale relief effort, is legally barred from operating there because the camp is inside Syrian territory.

That leaves the job to smaller organizations that can only provide a fraction of the residents' needs.

The inability of aid agencies to do anything more for Atmeh, let alone for the hundreds of thousands of other Syrians living in even more dire conditions in less visible locations, has come to stand for the ineffectiveness of the international community in dealing with the Syrian crisis.

Nearly two years of fighting to overthrow President Bashar Assad has left an estimated 3 million people displaced within Syria and hundreds of thousands more have fled the country to seek refuge in neighboring states.

U.N. resolutions prevent the UNHCR, the world's main refugee agency, from delivering aid inside Syria.

Valerie Amos, the U.N.'s humanitarian chief, said in a news conference Tuesday that the group is bound by a 1991 General Assembly resolution that "makes it absolutely clear that in delivering humanitarian aid, you have to seek the consent of the affected country."

"The government of Syria has made it very clear that they will not accept materials coming over from the border with Turkey. So without a separate Security Council resolution, the United Nations and its partners are not able to come across that border," she said.

Andrew Tabler, a Syria expert for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said there is a de facto partition of the country between rebels and government. But aid agencies continue to use methods that assume that sovereign powers hold this territory.

In absence of U.N. aid, Syria's Red Crescent ? a Damascus-based organization shunned by the rebels who supervise Atmeh ? is technically responsible for the camp inhabitants.

A first convoy from the Red Crescent arrived at the camp in early February, but was turned back at the gate, rejected by residents.

"No free Syrian would accept anything from Bashar," said Wifaf Abu Zeid, wife of Abdel Qadir.

In the shadow of a Turkish border post, Atmeh camp residents live in tents pitched in olive groves churned into mud, blanketed with the smoke of wood fires that are the only means of keeping warm in the deep of winter.

Residents now have tents and stoves provided by aid agencies. That is a big step forward from the camp's beginnings in August, when it was just families sleeping out in the trees under the rain.

But the camp residents ? many of them villagers, farmers or day laborers ? still face hunger, squalor, cold, and boredom. And sometimes tragedy.

A camp resident named Manar left her two small children alone in their tent for just five minutes to go to the bathroom one night last month.

She returned to find their tent in flames ? a candle had set it on fire. Her 4-year-old daughter, Diaa, and 5-year-old son, Fathi, suffered severe burns that they soon died from.

"It all happened in five minutes. I was in the toilet," she said.

"We flee the strikes of Assad, and we die here."

Manar asked to be identified by her first name only out of fear for her security.

Camp administrators who work under the supervision of rebels say deaths such as these are rare.

And administrators say that diarrhea and other water-borne diseases, a scourge of families on the move, have passed the camp over.

Residents say food is provided by the Turkish Red Crescent, and dozens of other private NGOs and individuals provide other supplies ranging from medicines to educational supplies, without the regime's approval.

To get around regime restrictions on humanitarian aid within the country, some groups get simply dump goods just on the Turkish side of the border.

Other NGOs fear outbreaks of disease.

The U.N. warned in a report released Monday that contaminated water and poor hygiene practices in populated areas of Syria have led to an increase in waterborne illnesses such as Hepatitis A and Typhoid.

"We need a worldwide effort, an international effort," said Ziyad al-Rawar, an Atmeh camp administrator.

The camp survived a miserable, cold, rainy, muddy winter.

But al-Rawar said the population is growing by 10 to 15 families each day. It already burgeoned from about 12,000 in November to 16,000 currently.

Al-Rawar fears that when summer comes, camp residents will fight over water.

In Atmeh, as elsewhere in Syria, rebels and civilians are intertwined. Armed fighters come and go in the camp.

Almost every family has someone in the rebel battalions, not least because this is often their only source of income.


Twitter account, (at)SteveNegusMasr

Associated Press


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Since Alan Simpson has the President on the Defensive, House Dems Must Hold the Line

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Since Alan Simpson has the President on the Defensive, House Dems Must Hold the Line by Richard (RJ) Eskow

Alan Simpson, along with Erskine Bowles, represents a well-funded cadre of spokespeople who are only willing to present a narrow band of corporate- and billionaire-friendly ...

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Orange's Europe-bound trio of branded phones includes its first 4G handset

Orange launches a trio of ownbranded phones, including its first 4G handset

At this rate, there won't be anything left to announce when MWC actually opens its doors. Today's premature launcher is Orange Europe, which is launching a trio of Jelly Bean-running smartphones that are destined for the continent. First up, the Lumo is the company's first 4G smartphone, packing a 4.5-inch display and an 8-megapixel camera. If you prefer your devices to be on the skinny side, then the 4.7-inch San Remo comes with an 8.2mm thick body and similarly equipped imaging sensor. Finally, the budget-focused Nivo offers a 4-inch display and a 5-megapixel camera. Orange has already told us that it won't be coming to the UK, but should arrive in Romania, Slovakia and Spain across the first half of the year -- unless someone's lawyers decide that the Lumo name's a bit too close for comfort.

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Friday, February 22, 2013

David Cameron provokes controversy in India after refusing to apologise for the massacre of 379 protesters by British troops

PRIME Minister tells families of the victims of the Amritsar slaughter that the event was "deeply shameful" but stops short of an apology.

Prime Minister David Cameron is shown around the Golden Temple at Amritsar in Punjab, India
Prime Minister David Cameron is shown around the Golden Temple at Amritsar in Punjab, India

Stefan Rousseau/PA

David Cameron yesterday snubbed an opportunity to apologise for the slaughter of 379 Indian protesters by British troops almost 100 years ago.

The PM, on a visit to the site of the Amritsar massacre, condemned the Army?s role in the 1919 atrocity.

But he insisted Brits did not have to say sorry for the crimes of their forefathers.

His refusal to apologise split opinion in India, with some people accepting his visit was enough but others insisting on a proper apology.

Cameron went further than any other British PM since the massacre by writing a comment in a book of ?condolence, as well as laying a wreath at the memorial to the dead.

He wrote: ?This was a deeply shameful event in British history, one that Winston Churchill rightly described at the time as ?monstrous?.

?We must never forget what happened here and in remembering we must ensure that the United Kingdom stands up for the right of peaceful protest around the world.?

David Cameron places a wreath at the Jallianwala Bagh memorial in the northern Indian city of Amritsar
David Cameron places a wreath at the Jallianwala Bagh memorial in the northern Indian city of Amritsar



Speaking about his decision not to apologise, Cameron said: ?We?re dealing with something here that happened a good 40 years before I was even born. I don?t think the right thing is to reach back into history to seek what things we should apologise for.

?The right thing to do is to acknowledge what happened, to show respect and understanding.?

Sunil Kapoor, 36, whose great-grandfather Wasoo died in the bloodbath, ordered by Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer, said: ?I?m not satisfied because he met the descendants.

?If you feel shameful, why not make a proper apology? We are waiting 94 years for justice.?

But massacre memorial site secretary Sukumar Mukhajee, whose grandfather survived the horrific attack, backed Cameron?s decision.

He said: ?He has come here, he has paid his tributes, it is more than an apology.?

Cameron, barefoot and wearing a ?traditional head covering, also visited the Golden Temple in the Sikh holy city.

The Amritsar massacre took place when Dyer, fearing a rebellion, ordered his men to fire on a peaceful crowd protesting against laws which allowed the British to imprison Indians without trial.


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Nevada Just Made Interstate Online Poker Legal

Nevada Just Made Interstate Online Poker LegalYesterday, Nevada officials rushed through a bill which makes interstate online poker legal. The decision will allow the state to form pacts with other states, allowing people to play legally across borders.

The Las Vegas Sun reports that Bill AB114?actually rushed through as an "emergency measure"? was passed unanimously in Assembly and Senate, then signed by governor Brian Sandova. Why the rush? Well, it wanted to beat fellow gambling-friendly state New Jersey, which will pass similar legislation next week.

Previously, the Federal Wire Act meant interstate gambling was illegal. But that changed in 2011, when the Court of Appeals decided that it only applied to sports betting. Nevada's new bill takes takes quite some advantage of that.

Of course, Nevada still has to convince other states to partner up with it, but officials are, apparently, confident that will come together quite easily. It could be a big step forward for online gambling?if, of course, Nevada's confidence is well placed. [Las Vegas Sun via Verge]

Image by Ross Elliot under Creative Commons license


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Can Facebook Graph Search Dominate Google Local?

Have you heard about Facebook Graph Search?? It?s the new search bar on Facebook that (they hope) will change the way you search, ideally reducing the need to use Google.? Currently Graph Search is in beta, and Facebook is rolling it out to more and more users every day.? I got a chance to look at it earlier this week, so it?s time for a review and to figure out if it will make a difference.? What I mean is, will Facebook Graph Search take away any search engine market share at all from Google?? After all, Big G is pretty dominant these days, with almost 70% of the market.? But Facebook users spend a lot of time on the social media site, so will the new Graph Search mean they don?t have to go to Google to find what they want?? Or will Facebook be for social and Google be for search (sorry Google Plus but you know it?s true) and that?s that, forever and ever (or for the next 5 years or so)?

So I decided to check out Facebook Search and compare it to what I would get from Google, to see if I would ever break my bad habit of always using Google for everything.

The first search comparison is for ?cell phone cases?.? When I start typing that into the Facebook Graph Search, here?s what I get:

cell phone case fbHmmm, that?s not exactly what I?m looking for at all.? Facebook sort of has it right with ?mobile phone shops?, but to assume that I want to know what cell phone shops that Casey has been to or that I?d be looking for a cell phone in Italy?? I?m not even Facebook friends with Casey, so I?d say Facebook is way off on this one.? However, if I click on ?cell phone cases? web search (the 5th line down in the image above), that takes me to a search powered by Bing, and here?s what that looks like:

cell phone case bing fb

So there we go, it?s easy enough to get me to a search for a cell phone case, and I can proceed from there.? If I were to do a search on Google for ?cell phone case?, I?d get very similar results:

cell phone case google

So would I rather use Facebook/Bing over Google in this case?? The results are pretty much the same, but since I?m already programmed to use Google, probably not.

What about another non-local example?? I?m looking for a company that can make mugs with logos, so I might type in ?custom mugs? into a search.? When I do this with Facebook, here?s what I get:

custom mugs fb

This Custom Mugs page is some probably defunct business that set up a personal page instead of a business page.? That?s not what I?m looking for at all, and I?d probably start to get annoyed at this point.? But I could always go back and click on the ?web search? part of Facebook Graph Search and get similar results to Google with the Bing-powered results.? However, if I keep getting weird results like the Custom Mugs page above, I might give up and go back to what I know, the G monster.

So let?s try one more search, this time for a local query.? When my wife and I are lucky enough to find time (and a babysitter) to go out to eat, we inevitably wonder where we should go.? So we?ll usually do a search on Google and scroll through the local listings trying to find ideas.? Or sometimes my wife will post a message on Facebook asking her friends where a delicious new place to eat is.? If we were to do a search on Google, here?s what it would look like:

restaurants google

Not bad, and I can see a bunch of reviews too if I click into the restaurants? G+ Local Pages.? But with Facebook Graph search, when searching for restaurants, I can find out a lot more now.

Look at some of the different results I can search by.? Pretty cool stuff here.? If I click on the first link, ?Restaurants in Raleigh North Carolina my friends have been to?, here?s what I get:

So I can easily see which of my friends have been where.? And if I was interested in a place, I could contact those friends.? ?Hey Kailey, we?re thinking about going to Tobacco Road, what did you think of that place??.? Real, honest responses from people you trust instead of?well, who knows exactly what you?re getting from Google reviews?

This is something I would absolutely use.? I can see this being useful for anything local ? electricians, tire places, dentists, bars, you name it.? Anything local, I?m checking Facebook first so I can ask people I actually know.

Will others follow suit?? That remains to be seen, but Facebook definitely has a chance here.? Everyone is on Facebook already, and I always see friends asking for suggestions for doctors, lawyers, restaurants, etc.? So on a local level (at least for restaurants), this is a better way to search.? And it just started, so who knows what?s next with this.

For businesses, this means if you?re not on Facebook already, it?s time to get with the program.? Even if you don?t like it or understand it, your competitors are taking advantage of prospects finding them.? And if you already have a page but you?re not exactly active, it?s time to start posting again.? If you don?t have time, we can help.

There are a lot of bugs that still need to be worked out as we can see with the non-local searches.? But given that it?s still in beta, Facebook is on to something here (and Bing is coming along for the ride).? And maybe, just maybe, a company can finally chip into Google?s market share and we can have a somewhat competitive market again.

So what do you think of Facebook Graph Search?? Will you use it?


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Florida House panel OKs bill to cut penalties for violating class sizes

By The Associated Press

TALLAHASSEE ? Financial penalties would be reduced for school districts that violate Florida's class size limits under a bill moving in the Legislature.

A House education subcommittee approved the measure (HB 189) on Wednesday.

A 2002 state constitutional amendment limits classes in core subjects to 18 students in kindergarten through third grade, 22 in fourth through eighth grade and 25 in high school.

The state now penalizes districts for every class over those limits. Under the new bill, the state would impose penalties only if a school's average class size violates the limits.

That's the way the penalties were applied during a phase-in period from 2006 through 2010.

Statewide penalties totaled only $267,000 in the last year of school average penalties, but since then they have ranged from $10 million last year to $5.8 million this year.


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

PST: Porto downs M?laga 1-0 in Leg 1

The match was arguably more lopsided than the simultaneously played game at the Emirates, though you wouldn?t be able to tell by the scoreline. Against a visiting M?laga team that set up to merely survive the Drag?o, Porto kept 63 percent of the ball and outshot their opponents 18-2. Helton, their goalkeeper, never had to make a save, but when Mark Clattenburg?s final whistle blew, the 1-0 lead the Portuguese champions won was little more than holding serve. That?s the minimum a team?s supposed to get at home.

Based on how he set up his team, M?laga boss Manuel Pellegrini will be happy with that result. In fact, he should have anticipated it, though he undoubtedly would have loved to get out of Portugal with a clean sheet. Keeping his defensive midfielders Jeremy Toul?l?n and Manuel Iturra deep throughout the night, Pellegrini wagered Porto wouldn?t be able to move through what is a stalwart to defense under normal circumstances.

Ultimately, Pellegrini?s wager paid off. On Tuesday, despite almost never venturing forward, M?laga only sprung one leak. The 1-0 may not have been the result they wanted, but it was a result they could live with.

Their one leak came in the 56th minute when Porto holder Fernando ventured forward before putting a pass from the left flank behind central defender Mart?n Demichelis. Midfielder Joao Moutinho blew unmarked past M?laga?s two-man midfield and onto the ball, one timing it between Willy Caballero?s legs from 10 yards out for the game?s only goal.

M?laga can live with that blemish, taking a one-goal deficit back to the Rosaleda for the second leg. Porto, on the other hand, is in a more interesting position, not really knowing what they have. Clearly, they have a one-goal lead, but set to go on the road against a team that won their Champions League group, do they really have an advantage?

Given M?laga?s strength throughout the season has been in prevention, not scoring, Porto may be encouraged, but whether they believe they can keep a clean sheet in Spain dictates how they?ll approach the second leg.

Man of the Match:?So you?re Daniel Levy, chairman of Tottenham Hotspur. You almost had a deal for?Joao?Moutinho?in the summer window, but the paper work didn?t get sorted out, somebody knocked over the fax machine, somebody?s cell phone battery died ? who knows. The deal didn?t go through, but in the back of your mind you?re already planning to ring Porto president Jorge Pinto da Costa in May and get the deal done.

If you?re Levy, you can?t feel great seeing Moutinho put in performances like tonight?s, possibly driving up his value. Sure, there?s a debate to be had as to whether Moutinho?s value?s going to go any higher, but he certainly didn?t diminish it on Tuesday. Great movement running at the M?laga line. Passing as accurate and reliable as ever. Spectacularly dangerous corners, and the match?s only goal. It was a complete (if somewhat uncontested) performance.

What team in the world wouldn?t want a Moutinho? Maybe he doesn?t play every day at a place like Barcelona, but are you telling me he doesn?t improve teams like Manchester United, Paris Saint-Germain, or even Juventus?

Maybe you are, and if so, Daniel Levy has to be hoping other chairmen are thinking like you. Because if they?re thinking like me, Moutinho?s probably not going to end up at White Hart Lane.

Threesome of knowledge: What we learned

Not every first leg is amazing -?Every once in a while we get a Arsenal-Bayern or a?Shakhtar-Dortmund, but for the most part, first legs of Champions League ties are cagey affairs. If you?re lucky, you get a couple of goals, as we did last week at the Bernabeu. Most of the time, you get a match like today?s.

But look at it from M?laga?s point of view. Manuel Pellegrini probably sees his side as the better team but not overwhelmingly so. If he can take one half of the 180-minute game ? the half where he?s at a disadvantage ? and drastically reduce the number of opportunities, fast forwarding the game to leg two? He?ll take that.

Don?t blame Pellegrini. Blame the competition format. The approach makes sense, but as a result, we get a lot of flat first legs.

Would James have mattered? -?Vitor Perreira elected to start Colombian dynamo James Rodriguez on the bench, giving Russian Maxim Ismailov the start at left wing. Ismailov offers a more direct option, but he?s doesn?t have Rodr?guez?s skill on the ball. Against a team that sat deep and kept the game in front of them, Rodr?guez would have provided ?some needed creativity, something that may have brought a quiet Jackson Mart?nez into the game.

There?s a reason for his absence. James came back from a month-long absence this weekend against Beira-Mar but only played about 20 minutes. That opened the question as to whether he would be ready for today?s game. Perreira brought him off the bench against M?laga, but left with two wingers who tended to turn-and-go on the outside (Ismailov and Silvestre Valera), James would have made a welcome difference. His playmaking ability could have gotten more out of Moutinho, Lucho Gonzalez, as well as Mart?nez.

M?laga clearly needs to change it up -?Obviously, Pellegrini isn?t going into leg two with the same conservative approach, but even if his team somehow finds itself up 2-1 going into the last half hour, he needs to do something different than what he did today. At the start of the second half, Perreira was allowing Fernando more license to get forward. Right back Danilo was releasing as soon as Porto regained possession. Center half Nicolas Otamendi even ventured forward once.

Porto had adjusted. They started pushing people forward and playing a numbers game against M?laga?s packed in defense. If Pellegrini takes the lead on March 13, he?ll need to give Porto a different look.

Packaged for takeaway

  • Had their?Champions League games not been scheduled for the same day as Bayern and Arsenal?s, M?laga?s matches would have been a good showcase for Willy Caballero ? a chance for more people to see a goalkeeper that?s becoming one of?La Liga?s?best.?Unfortunately, even if you tuned in today, you wouldn?t have seen many of Caballero?s talents, M?laga effectively limited his exposure to Porto?s attacks. In the first half, however, you could see how quick and decisive Caballero is off his line, one of the plus-talents he?s shown during the?Primera campaign.
  • Former Mexican league start Jackson Mart?nez was one of the players to watch coming into this tie, but a packed in M?laga defense kept the Porto star from threatening goal. To his credit, he moved out of the cluster in the middle and started combining with Porto?s wingers, but the former Jaguares star was still neutralized on Tuesday. As easy way for Porto to get to the quarterfinals is by getting something out of the man who has scored 20 times in 19 league games.
  • Because of the way Pellegrini played, M?laga star Isco was also quiet. He?ll need to be more of a factor in Andalusia. If it wasn?t for the fact he?s a completely different player, you could consider him M?laga?s Jackson. Regardless, both teams will look to get more out of their star.
  • Julio Baptista was a mild surprise, starting with Roque Santa Cruz in place of Javier Saviola, but he held up well. The former Real Madrid and Arsenal man went 78 minutes in his first Champions League appearance since Oct. 2010. It was The Beast?s fourth game this month after 16 months on the sidelines.


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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The central takeaway of Mayor Jonathan Rothschild's second State of the City add...

Rothschild's State of the City: "The Problem of Poverty in Tucson Didn't Happen Overnight"

Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild delivered his second State of the City today to a full room out at Starr Pass Resort. The central takeaway of the speech (which you can read in its entirety below): We?re doing a little bit better, but we need to do a lot better?and we need to do it as a community.


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Lockheed Martin and Nanyang Technological University to collaborate on nanotechnology

Lockheed Martin and Nanyang Technological University to collaborate on nanotechnology [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 19-Feb-2013
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Contact: Lester Kok
Nanyang Technological University

Lockheed Martin and Singapore's Nanyang Technological University (NTU) today announced a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to explore the science of nanotechnology, with special focus on nanocopper and related technologies for the commercial market.

Lockheed Martin and NTU will set up a joint research laboratory at NTU's Yunnan campus. The lab will allow NTU students and faculty to work directly with Lockheed Martin scientists on developing the nanocopper CuantumFuse technology platform, which can be used for a variety of high-tech applications.

Nanocopper is the main ingredient in a revolutionary electrical interconnect material, or solder. Known as the CuantumFuse solder, this material is expected to produce joints with up to 10 times the electrical and thermal conductivity compared to tin-based materials currently in use.

The collaboration was inked today by Professor Freddy Boey, NTU Provost and Dr. Kenneth Washington, Vice President of Lockheed Martin Space Systems Advanced Technology Center.

"This collaboration is a good example of how NTU can connect to global industrial partners to collectively develop innovative solutions to many global challenges faced today," said Professor Boey. "We hope that in the near future, scientists from both institutions will continue to explore other research topics of joint interest in areas such as satellite technology, interactive media and perhaps even deep sea mining."

The NTU-Lockheed Martin Joint Laboratory will have an initial fund of $10 million over the next four years, and will employ up to eight scientists working on collaborative research projects. It will provide a platform to allow the exchange of researchers and knowledge between the two institutions, as well as to produce various prototypes and to host prototype demonstrations.

"The collaboration we are beginning today is an enormous step forward in moving our revolutionary CuantumFuse technology out of the laboratory and into the marketplace. We look forward to working with our colleagues at NTU to identify specific commercial target markets and applications for both Lockheed Martin and NTU's intellectual property," said Dr. Washington. "There's so much we can learn from each other, this collaboration is hopefully just the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship between Lockheed Martin and the University."


Media contacts:

Buddy Nelson
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Tel: (510) 797-0349

Lester Kok
Nanyang Technological University
Tel: (65) 6790 6804

About Lockheed Martin

Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 120,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration, and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products, and services. The Corporation's net sales for 2012 were $47.2 billion.

About Nanyang Technological University

A research-intensive public university, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has 33,500 undergraduate and postgraduate students in the colleges of Engineering, Business, Science, and Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences. It has a new medical school, the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, set up jointly with Imperial College London.

NTU is also home to world-class autonomous institutes the National Institute of Education, S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Earth Observatory of Singapore, and Singapore Centre on Environmental Life Sciences Engineering and various leading research centres such as the Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute (NEWRI), Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N) and the Institute on Asian Consumer Insight (ACI).

A fast-growing university with an international outlook, NTU is putting its global stamp on Five Peaks of Excellence: Sustainable Earth, Future Healthcare, New Media, New Silk Road, and Innovation Asia.

Besides the main Yunnan Garden campus, NTU also has a satellite campus in Singapore's science and tech hub, one-north, and a third campus in Novena, Singapore's medical district.

For more information, visit

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Lockheed Martin and Nanyang Technological University to collaborate on nanotechnology [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 19-Feb-2013
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Contact: Lester Kok
Nanyang Technological University

Lockheed Martin and Singapore's Nanyang Technological University (NTU) today announced a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to explore the science of nanotechnology, with special focus on nanocopper and related technologies for the commercial market.

Lockheed Martin and NTU will set up a joint research laboratory at NTU's Yunnan campus. The lab will allow NTU students and faculty to work directly with Lockheed Martin scientists on developing the nanocopper CuantumFuse technology platform, which can be used for a variety of high-tech applications.

Nanocopper is the main ingredient in a revolutionary electrical interconnect material, or solder. Known as the CuantumFuse solder, this material is expected to produce joints with up to 10 times the electrical and thermal conductivity compared to tin-based materials currently in use.

The collaboration was inked today by Professor Freddy Boey, NTU Provost and Dr. Kenneth Washington, Vice President of Lockheed Martin Space Systems Advanced Technology Center.

"This collaboration is a good example of how NTU can connect to global industrial partners to collectively develop innovative solutions to many global challenges faced today," said Professor Boey. "We hope that in the near future, scientists from both institutions will continue to explore other research topics of joint interest in areas such as satellite technology, interactive media and perhaps even deep sea mining."

The NTU-Lockheed Martin Joint Laboratory will have an initial fund of $10 million over the next four years, and will employ up to eight scientists working on collaborative research projects. It will provide a platform to allow the exchange of researchers and knowledge between the two institutions, as well as to produce various prototypes and to host prototype demonstrations.

"The collaboration we are beginning today is an enormous step forward in moving our revolutionary CuantumFuse technology out of the laboratory and into the marketplace. We look forward to working with our colleagues at NTU to identify specific commercial target markets and applications for both Lockheed Martin and NTU's intellectual property," said Dr. Washington. "There's so much we can learn from each other, this collaboration is hopefully just the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship between Lockheed Martin and the University."


Media contacts:

Buddy Nelson
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Tel: (510) 797-0349

Lester Kok
Nanyang Technological University
Tel: (65) 6790 6804

About Lockheed Martin

Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 120,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration, and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products, and services. The Corporation's net sales for 2012 were $47.2 billion.

About Nanyang Technological University

A research-intensive public university, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has 33,500 undergraduate and postgraduate students in the colleges of Engineering, Business, Science, and Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences. It has a new medical school, the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, set up jointly with Imperial College London.

NTU is also home to world-class autonomous institutes the National Institute of Education, S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Earth Observatory of Singapore, and Singapore Centre on Environmental Life Sciences Engineering and various leading research centres such as the Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute (NEWRI), Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N) and the Institute on Asian Consumer Insight (ACI).

A fast-growing university with an international outlook, NTU is putting its global stamp on Five Peaks of Excellence: Sustainable Earth, Future Healthcare, New Media, New Silk Road, and Innovation Asia.

Besides the main Yunnan Garden campus, NTU also has a satellite campus in Singapore's science and tech hub, one-north, and a third campus in Novena, Singapore's medical district.

For more information, visit

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