Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Death Store | BuzBuz

Doorway Into Light?s next steps are:

  • To?implement ongoing trainings for caregivers to the dying, and?setup networks of neighborhood volunteer caregiving teams.
  • To move THE DEATHSTORE to a central downtown location to prove it can be profitable in a ?mainstream? setting;
  • To explore franchising THE DEATHSTORE to other communities in Hawaii and the US
  • To create natural burial grounds in Hawaii, utilizing burial grounds as the economic engine
  • To develop a park with picnic areas, walking trails and green ways
  • To protect, restore and reforest lands in Hawaii as conservation/ open space.?
  • To create a fund for dying people in need of financial help with rent, utilities, food, burial, cremation, etc.
  • To open a sustainably powered crematory.

Doorway Into Light will continue to partner with land trusts, religious organizations, schools, funeral homes, cemeteries, hospitals and hospices, as well as local governmental agencies.

The long range plan is to create a Dying Center which would include a green/conservation cemetery and park, a crematory, a school, a ceremonial hall, and a sanctuary for the dying.

See and

The executive director of Doorway Into Light and founder and president of THEDEATHSTORE, Bodhi Be, is an ordained interfaith minister,a hospice volunteer, a funeral director, a Hawaii resident for 36 years, married for 28 years, a parent and grandparent, and off-the-grid organic homesteader. He has owned 3 successful businesses in Hawaii.

He is supported by fellow board members Laura Binstock (Bodhi?s wife) and Ram Dass, who have a combined 55 years experience in the fields of death and dying, community development and business management. As well, our advisory board of doctors, lawyers, environmental and business leaders and others, provide important specific advice and counsel in their fields.

Since 2006 Doorway Into Light has been presenting workshops, trainings and presentations around the state and the country in end-of-life and after-death care to the general public and to professionals working in these fields.

Doorway Into Light has been working directly with the dying and their families, providing volunteer support and helping to create volunteer caregiving teams, occassionally signing on with Hospice as the ?primary caregiver? when no one in the dying person?s community was available.

The organization sponsors fundraisers for people in the community who were dying and experiencing financial difficulties concerning rent, utilities, food, etc?

Doorway Into Light has been facilitating a once a month open gathering/support group called Speaking of Death for over 6 years.

Doorway Into Light hosts a weekly, local, call-in radio show called Conversations With Death.

In January of 2012 , THE DEATHSTORE was opened, a Funeral Home and Resource Center.? Now open for one year, it has just been certified as the first green funeral home in the state of Hawaii.

In its??incubator, Steve Jobs? garage??phase, THE DEATHSTORE is ready to take its next step and move downtown into a mall location to prove itself as something which could be replicated throughout the country.

THE DEATHSTORE is re-inventing and revolutionizing the funeral home and the funeral industry, bringing forth options for end-of-life care and after-death care that are holistic, environmentally sustainable, community and family based, and spiritually inclusive. It offers ?goods and services to the dying, their families, the grieving, and all who may die one day?.

As well as providing most of the services of a funeral home, THE DEATHSTORE ?features locally made, inexpensive caskets; shrouds, and urns,?a book store, a lending library, an educational corner, home funeral supplies, and many free counseling services.? End-of-life and bereavement counseling is offered by a professional counselor. ?Celebration of life, and ash spreading ceremonies can be facilitated by our, on staff, ordained interfaith minister. Support is provided for creating and understanding advance directives and durable power of attorney documents. The ?Lighter Side? features tee-shirts, mugs and ?coffee to die for?.? The organization has? helped families have home funerals, direct burials, direct cremations, ocean body burials, ash scattering ceremonies and memorial/celebration of life ceremonies.

In bringing it forth as a ?store? prominent in the marketplace, that offers most services offered by a funeral home, and as a ?resource center?, useful before someone dies, Doorway Into Light intend sto stimulate and elevate the cultural conversation on aging, dying and death. The hardware store, the shoe store, the clothing store, the grocery store, the death store. Bringing dying and death into everyday ?commons?.

The next version will feature a cafe to encourage open dialogue amongst the public in the fields of death, dying, grieving and deep living. It, as well, will become a venue for public talks, films and workshops.

While the immediate goal is $25,000 to support and expand the current works of DOORWAY INTO LIGHT and THE DEATHSTORE, all funds raised above this will determine which of our next steps can be taken.?

1. Supporting a non-profit organization offering an alternative to industries and institutions involved in end-of-life and after-death-care.

2. Being a part of a larger movement helping to return the ?business of dying? to sacred, community work.

3. Helping to educate people so they make good choices and know their rights when they are dying and when their family members are dying.

4. Stimulate and elevate our cultural conversations on aging, dying and death, thereby contributing to deep living and a deepening culture.

5. Stimulate community development, and support people dying at home, through creating community volunteer caregiving teams and through trainings, education and support.

6. Bring holistic, environmentally sustainable practices to the funeral home, crematory and cemetery, and help to protect land as open space/ greenways/ community commons.

7. By supporting families in end-of-life and after-death care, grieving is made welcome, and family and community relations are deepened.

8. Encouraging the recognition that dying is not just a medical event, but a ?powerful time for healing, transformation, deepening and ?village building?.


Source: Macho Camacho Rise of the Guardians Pumpkin Pie Jack Taylor Apple Pie Recipe black friday

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