Tuesday, April 9, 2013

UFC heavyweight Matt Mitrione calls trans fighter Fallon Fox a ?sociopath? and ?freak?

Matt Mitrione is coming off a huge win. On Saturday, he won with a 19-second knockout of Philip de Fries. It was a hugely needed win after Mitrione was had two losses in his last two fights. Now Mitrione is using the spotlight to talk about trans fighter Fallon Fox.

While on the MMA Hour, Mitrione repeatedly called the postoperative transgender female a "he." Mitrione also called Fox, who is scheduled to fight again in May, a sociopath and a freak.

"Because she's not a he. He's a he," he said. "He's chromosomally a man. He had a gender change, not a sex change. He's still a man. He was a man for 31 years. Thirty-one years. That's a couple years younger than I am. He's a man. Six years of taking performance de-hancing drugs, you think is going to change all that? That's ridiculous.

"That is a lying, sick, sociopathic, disgusting freak," he continued. "And I mean that. Because you lied on your license to beat up women. That's disgusting. You should be embarrassed yourself. And the fact that Florida licensed him because California licensed him or whoever the hell did it, it's an embarrassment to us as fighters, as a sport, and we all should protest that. The woman that's fighting him, props to you. I hope you beat his ass, and I hope he gets blackballed and never fights again, because that's disgusting and I'm appalled by that."

Mitrione earned a Bachelor's degree from Purdue in Law and Society, with minors in supervision and communications, and he doesn't have a medical degree. It's unlikely that he examined Fox, yet he speaks as if he is aware of the particulars of her anatomy.

If Mitrione doesn't think Fox should be allowed to fight, that's his opinion. State commissions don't agree with him, but he's not being forced to watch her fight. He is also not being forced to fight her, and the women who are walking into a fight with Fox know her history. They don't need to be saved by Mitrione.

For him to go off on such a hate-filled, uninformed tirade is just plain sad, particularly for someone who has been involved with anti-bullying initiatives in the past. Hopefully, Mitrione will keep bullied trans people in mind the next time he calls anyone a freak.

Source: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mma-cagewriter/ufc-heavyweight-matt-mitrione-calls-trans-fighter-fallon-200711664--mma.html

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